
FIBERuary is about all things fiber. In the month of February we will celebrate all things fiber related. Each day we hope to have an article written by local fiber farmers, a shearer and many crafts people. Please join us.
Carole Adams- Whispering Pines Farm  Colrain, MA.
Liz Sorenson- Sheep and Shawl , a local yarn shop, South Deerfield, MA.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Jill
    I was saddened to see no mention at all of Pete.
    He turned out to be a great dog!
    We lost our beautiful Golden to cancer recently, at the age of 11 , but Petie is still going strong.. and worth MUCH more than a grain bucket to us ! He is a part of the family.
    We just got ourselves a new pup last week. As I stroke and cuddle this little one, I wonder what Poor Petie lacked in his baby days.
    Pete will have a transition time.

    If you would care to see any pics, pls feel free to email me at

    All my Best!


    1. Hello
      I am the FIBERuary person and have sent on your comment to Jill. If you have a fiber story you would like to share please let me know and I will put you on the list for next year. Thanks.
      Carole Adams


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